Last week I talked about my recent YouTube binges and a lot of you really seemed to like it, so I figured, why not add Netflix into the mix? I’ve mentioned before that, Devon and I didn’t really have Netflix until a few months ago. It was just one of those things that we didn’t …
Category: Uncategorized
Favorite YouTubers
It’s almost Christmas break and I am so excited! And when I say almost, I mean like 4 hours of work tomorrow stand between me and my vacation and I am beyond ready for it. I am off for two whole weeks! While I know not everyone gets this long of a vacation, I know …
What do you get your husband for Christmas?
No, seriously, I’m really asking. Normally, Devon is really good at telling me what he wants or at least giving me some sort of an idea. This year, he did tell me two small things he wanted, which were video game related (I know…you’re shocked). But, I asked him again a couple of days ago …
*So, I just realized for some reason the mobile version of my blog was being wonky, hopefully I just fixed it so it should look normal again. My bad, guys. *Let’s talk about how crazy my week was this week. I don’t think I got home before 6pm any night. I was almost in like …
Erin Condren 2019 Planner
I always get super excited for the year because – new year = new planner. And I love my planner. And ya’ll know I love planners. Particularly Erin Condren planners. I’ve been using Erin Condren planners exclusively for about 5 years now. For me, they really are the best planners to help me stay on track and …
Holiday Weekend Shorts
*I love long weekends. *Since it’s now September, I really want it to be fall. Like…really….REALLY badly. I’m almost angry that it’s still hot out, that’s how deep the autumn love is here. I really want to start burning my apple cinnamon candles, but I feel like that might make me angrier. *I did, however, …
A Busy Day in the Life…
I always enjoy seeing these posts in other blogs that I read, so I thought it might be fun to take all of you through what a typical work day for me looks like right now. I chronicled my day this past Wednesday, January 24th, just to give some context to the rest of this …