Devon Relationship


Devon and I have finished each other’s sentences for years.  We’ve also been known to speak in unison on several occasions and simultaneously getting annoyed by it.  TWINSIES!

I’ve always heard that the pinnacle of a good relationship is when you finish each other’s sentences.  If that’s the case, we’ve been in a relationship for almost 11 years.

Devon and I have lived together for almost a year now.  While we’ve always done the finishing each other’s sentences thing, now we have the finishing of tasks (because I can’t think of any other way to describe it).

Like going to Sam’s Club.  We usually go every couple months or so.  And we usually go together.  I went alone on Friday because I was off and I was going to be in the area.  I forgot three things.  Odds are, he would have remembered if he joined.  I told him he has to go next time.  Forgetting things is lame.

Devon can’t remember how to make rice to save his life.  A science teacher who can remember any scientific equation possible, can’t ever remember the 2 to 1 ratio for rice making.  He always asks me and then has to clarify that it’s 2 water and 1 rice.  When I was in Orlando, he tried to do it and messed it up.  I think I’ve become the resident rice maker.  He also can’t make bacon, so I’m also the resident bacon master.  He’s the resident pancake/waffle flipper, so it works.

I can’t sleep in our room when he’s gone.  That part seems weird.  Unless I’m in an unconscious sleep, I usually wake up once Devon gets up (like if I’m off and he has school).  I’ve actually gotten up and napped on the couch when he’s left before.  I don’t know why.  Might also be why I kept waking up while I was in Orlando.  I sleep better when he’s there.

Similarly, Devon can’t fall asleep until I’m home.  It was almost 10:00 when I got home after graduation.  He looked exhausted but was still sitting up waiting for me to get home before he went to sleep.

Then there are also those 90s rom-com moments when he’s searching high and low for the remote (or something) and I find it while reading something and hand it to him like it was no issue at all.  Happens often.

There’s a balance here, though.  It’s nice.  Some people assumed we would hate each other by now because living together is always a bad thing or something.

We each have weird habits.  We usually respect that of each other.  Like how he is currently running his hand slowly back and forth in front of my laptop screen while I’m typing this in the hopes that I will mess up what I’m typing because he’s blocking my view.  Typing master for the win.  No mistakes!  HAHA!  Weirdo that he is. Yes, he does that often.

But our habits have entwined.  I think having a decade head start made that easier.  We always finish something of the other’s, whether it’s sentences, dinner, or weird habits.  Most people think we’re weird (individually and collectively).  It’s a weird that I like, though.  Weirdness works.

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