Car Cars

I NO LONGER Have Car Issues!!!

That was quick, right?

First of all, I just want to say; I had the best and most patient and NOT PUSHY car salesman ever.  If you’re in the Baltimore/Anne Arundel County area and need a nice and decent salesman, let me know and I’ll hook you up with my guy.  He went through….a lot with me because I’m not the easiest or most decisive car customer.  It was like two weeks of emailing back and forth (and that’s another thing, he respected my utter disdain of talking on the phone and emailed me like I asked) and dozens of car listings and me going, “ehhhhh…..” before we finally got something that made me happy.

This is all making me seem incredibly high maintenance and I’m not really, but buying a car is a big deal to me.  I’m not planning on getting another car in a year or two; I’m planning on driving this thing until it dies and if you remember, I did have some requirements for the car I wanted.

After being rather “meh” on about two dozen cars, he finally asks me “okay, tell me every specification you have – new vs. used, color, features, size, price point, etc and I will do some digging and see what I can find, it may take a couple days, so don’t be alarmed, but let me see what I can do”.  So, I email him everything, even the stuff that isn’t super important (and I told him it wasn’t vital) and told him what my deal breakers were.

The irony is, I wrote my post on being hopelessly indecisive about what car I wanted last Monday and I scheduled it to post on Tuesday morning.  The email exchange I mentioned above happened on Monday morning as I was typing out said post.  About an hour after the post went live on Tuesday, he emails me, “Okay, I think I might have something for you, check this car out”.  And he mentioned that it didn’t have a couple of non-vitals I was looking for but basically had everything else.

You guys….

I squeaked when I pulled the page up.  Yes, I squeaked.

It was so pretty.

A quick glance at the price tag made me gasp (in a great way, as it was well below my price limit).

And I almost got giddy when I saw it only had like 25,000 miles and was a 2014 and was kept impeccable by the one owner it’s had.

I emailed back immediately and expressed my excitement and asked when we could take it for a test drive.

“That’s the one catch”, he responded with, “it’s at our dealership in Manassas, VA.”


He added, “but, I can let you test drive a similar one that we have on the lot, it’s the same manufacturer and make, it’s just older and with a lot more miles on it so it’s not something you would want, but it’ll give you a feel for how the car drives because it’s essentially the same car, just older and maybe not as impeccable as this car is.”

I was fine for that, so we set up a test drive for Wednesday.  He reminded me a couple of times before I got into that one, “this car you’re driving is a 2011, it’s got 110k miles on, so just be warned it might not look as nice, but it still handles well”.  I knew that.  It was fine.

It drove like a dream.  The interior felt huge, which is what I missed with my Rogue.  It was comfortable for me.  Even he said that I was driving it like I’d been driving that car for years.  It was just that easy.

I really wanted the car without even fully seeing it in person.

Me being me, I told him I wanted until the next day to think about it and make sure I was making the right decision before we go into financing and everything else.  He respected that wholeheartedly (which is why, I say again, he was very low pressure, which I loved) and told me to contact him on Thursday.

I went home, checked what it would do to our car insurance (it actually lowers it, literally, $2.50 per cycle, which amuses me), talked to Devon about it (because while it’s not his car, I respect his opinion and usually talk with him before making huge decisions) and thought about it.

And I really wanted that damn car.

So, I bought it on Thursday.

And it was delivered to me from Manassas on Tuesday (Valentine’s Day!).

I almost started jumping up and down when I saw it in person.  It’s even prettier in person and you can really see how well it was kept on the inside.  It feels just as huge on the inside as the one I test-drove and it’s comfortable and handles well.  The brake and gas pedals are a bit different than I’m used to, but I know I’ll get used to those in a few days.

This is the kind of excitement I had when I bought my Jeep and it’s what was missing when I got the Rogue.  Like I just want to go drive it for every reason and no reason at all. Even when Devon came home Tuesday night and saw it, he’s like, “I approve” (which is Devon-speak for “I like it”).

So, allow me to introduce you to, my brand new (to me) 2014 GMC Terrain SLE:


That’s right…it’s not a Jeep or a Nissan.  I wasn’t picky about who makes the car (except I didn’t want a Dodge, had bad luck with those). And yes, that is the only picture, it’s been too cold and windy to stand outside for long periods of time.

It came fully loaded with everything, including seat warmers (but no leather seats which is a plus for me because I hate them), bluetooth and navigation.  Only thing it doesn’t have, which I’ll have to get used to, is it doesn’t have the keyless entry/start like I liked with my Rogue.  But, it wasn’t a dealbreaker thing, so I just have to get used to knowing where my keys are again.  Yes, I know, first world problem.

And it amazed me that it was so comfortably within my price range, especially how well-maintained it was but it was on their President’s Day Sale, so it was lower than it’s sticker price.  And, obviously, I bought it since you can’t lease used cars, but I was looking at actually buy this time and not lease, so it worked out well.

It’s like it was just waiting for me to scoop it up and take it home.  I am very excited to have it and to be rid of the Rogue and I am very grateful to have had such an amazing salesman.  It was really a great experience.

Now, Devon and I might need to do a road trip or something this summer.  I wanna drive the new-ness everywhere. Luckily, he will go wherever I say we’re going!



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