Kerastase Ciment Thermique Blow Dry Primer
Hair Review

My Favorite Hair Protection Product

If you’ve been around for a while, you likely know that some of my hair loss issues have returned.

While I am seeing a lot less fall out recently and some signs that my hair may be starting to re-grow/do what it’s supposed to do, it’s still pretty thin and fragile and is needing some extra protection.  When I saw my hairstylist about a month ago, she noted that she saw some breakage, especially in the back of my head (where I need breakage the least) and asked if I used a heat protectant regularly.

I did.  But clearly, it wasn’t doing the job that it needed to do.  I still think what I was using was a good product, and likely works on hair that is in better shape than mine currently is, but it just wasn’t enough for me.

I do color my hair, like once every three months or so, and I use a semi-permanent color which is less harsh on the hair than permanent color is.  So while I know that still isn’t “amazing” for my hair, it’s not causing me as much damage as say my almost daily use of my curling iron/flat iron is.  And I will fully admit to my abuse of my hair with my curling iron.

I’ve realized that having some curl in my hair makes it look thicker and fuller (I know it’s a monumental discovery, you don’t even have to tell me), so I was trying to give myself the biggest, curliest hair ever regularly, which consisted of me using my super hot iron and leaving it to sit on my hair for like….30-60 seconds, each pass, because I thought that would make the curls better and last longer.

No.  No.  Nonono.

I was basically burning my hair off my head.  It’s cool (not really…but you know…).

My hairdresser, I love her, was just like….”please stop doing that and use this”.  And threw a tube of this Kerastase Ciment Thermique Blow Dry Primer in my hands.

Kerastase Ciment Thermique Blow Dry Primer

She’s one of the few people who can throw things at me.  It’s fine.

As she was styling my hair, she used this primer in my hair before she blew it dry.  I’m used to spray-type heat protectants.  The kind that comes in a spray-pump bottle that you mist over hair and comb through for even distribution.  This being a cream, at first, made me think it was going to weigh my hair down and negate any sort of volume that I am going for in my hair, as creams sometimes do to me, especially since my hair is pretty weak and fragile right now.

But this cream is essentially weightless in my hair.  I never feel it in my hair when it’s wet or once it’s dry; it also leaves no texture or residue (which is great for those of you who hate that).

If you are like me and have pretty damaged/distressed hair, this has an added benefit of proteins and keratins in the product to help strengthen your hair to minimize breakage and split ends.  The primer having this extra benefit of helping repair damage and strengthen my hair is really what sold me on trying it, because it feels like two products in one.  I don’t need an extra protein serum or product because I’m using this blow dry primer that already has those ingredients in it.

I know it’s a bit (read: a lot) on the pricey side, I know.  I’ve tried quite a few Kerastase products in my time and while they’re all fine, none of them blew me away and considering their price, they need to blow me away to purchase them.

This is blowing me away.

If it helps, I usually wash my hair, on average, three times a week (because I refuse to wash my hair daily) and I’ve used this product every time I’ve washed my hair in the past month and I feel like I’ve barely made a dent in the tube.  This one tube is going to last a really long time, which helps me justify the cost of it.  Obviously, if you wash your hair daily, you’ll go through it faster, but I can easily see this tube lasting me 6 months if not longer.

Kerastase Ciment Thermique Blow Dry Primer

Plus, my hair feels better and healthier since I’ve started using it.  Before I went to my hairdresser, I felt all of the very thin and extremely fragile areas where the breakage was happening and it felt like one good breeze would just cut those strands out without hesitation.

I can’t claim that I don’t have breakage issues at all, currently, but when I run my hands through the same areas, I can feel more strength and some thickening in those strands.  So, the condition of my hair is improving and I feel that a lot of that improvement is due to this product in my hair.

That…and not holding my curling on any part of my hair for thirty seconds a clip…that was just a horrible idea.  I hold it for like three seconds max because healthy waves >>>> broken curls any day.

This is definitely one of those products that I would consider an investment, but completely worth it.  If you have similar hair issues like I do, or just a lot of damage or breakage and you use a lot of heat tools to style, give this a try, you won’t be disappointed!


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