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My Top 5 TV Guilty Pleasures

Being the happy little introverts Devon and I are, TV is a big source of entertainment for us when we’re home.  Sometimes we’re actively watching, sometimes it’s just there as background noise while we’re doing other things; but odds are if we’re home, the TV is on.

Since it’s such a big part of our lives, I thought it might be fun to share some our top TV guilty pleasures, AKA the shows that cause our DVR to be about 70% full more often than not.  (Though in all fairness, some of that is just the entire series of Benson, since we can’t seem to find it on DVD or Blu-ray anywhere.)  While you guys know we love Game of Thrones and a few other random things; it’s really not all that we watch….I promise.



I mean, I did kind of just set you up for that, considering this whole series is about half of our current DVR queue.  We would love to find it on Blu-Ray but it’s just never there; or we find random seasons, but not the whole series on DVD.  So, we keep this on the DVR and when there is nothing else to watch, we have a tendency to put on a random episode of Benson.  Also, I don’t think I can accurately express how sad I was when Robert Guillaume passed away recently…I’m not okay with no more Benson.


I mean, in reality, most of Food Network is love, but Chopped is a true pleasure in our house.  I warned Devon when we moved in that this is one of those shows I can literally watch all day with reckless abandon and with joy it has also become a show that he can literally watch all day.  By the end of the first episode, he was already watching like a pro; yelling at the TV screen when people do foolish things and coming up with ideas of how to use the basket ingredients.  It’s essentially our version of sports viewing in our house.

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver

This is literally one of my favorite (almost) hours of the week…ya know…when he’s actually on, SINCE HE TAKES LIKE HALF THE YEAR OFF!

I’m sorry, that was a little angry.

I’ve professed my love for John Oliver before and I don’t think it will ever be enough.  This is the best way to get news ever.  As depressing as it is lately, it’s helpful to get a little laugh out of it.  And just because you laugh it never negates the seriousness of the topic he’s covering.  I just wish, like his predecessor, he would…ya know…be on TV more.

(New) Duck Tales

If you’re an 80’s/90’s kid, you know about old school Duck Tales and if you were really into it, you know they have a new Duck Tales series out that started earlier this year.  It’s all the same characters, but with some different stories, different voices, etc.  And it’s….actually….almost better than the old version.  And I’m not just saying that because David Tennant is the voice of Scrooge, but it’s just so well done.  You don’t see that much in remakes anymore.  Devon and I die laughing almost every time we watch it.  So, if you want to re-live your childhood, get Disney XD and have at it.

The Young and The Restless


Yes, I did just say that.

I’m not the one that started this in our household…I just want to be clear about that.

Devon actually started watching this in like his early teenaged years; he blames his mother for it, I don’t know; but he’s watched it forever.  So, to “get back at me” for getting him so into Chopped he felt the need to get me emotionally invested in Y&R.

I hate him for this.

And I swear to everything if Cane and Lily get back together, I will riot.

Like I said….I hate him for this.


What are some of your TV guilty pleasures? 

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