Christmas Holiday Work

Winter Break is Here!

It is truly the most wonderful time of the year.

That was my life yesterday.

We only had a half day anyway and there were essentially no classes.  We had a Christmas prayer service and did a morning of a Christmas decorating battle and Christmas movies.  The students were dismissed at 11:30 and then the faculty went to The Green Turtle downtown for our annual faculty Christmas lunch.  There’s always that little part that dreads it because the time leading up to these breaks feels so long that you think, “why can’t we just go home once the kids are gone?”; but it’s always a lot of fun to just blow off steam and have a meal with your co-workers.

Devon isn’t off until tomorrow, which I don’t mind THAT much because it’s giving me some time to do a couple of things while he’s still at work; like pick up his last Christmas gift.

I’m also going to get my hair re-done today.  I loved the dark brown so SO much that I want her to do it again but more permanently this time (if that makes sense?). She did a semi-permanent color last month just in case I didn’t like it so it would wash out.  Now, I don’t want it to wash out as easily, so she needs to make it stay longer.

I also want to get my nails done on Thursday and I might even surprise Devon with lunch from one of his beloved restaurants that he doesn’t really get to have anymore (since there aren’t any in our area), since it’s his last day of school.

I’m sure he’ll do his annual baking day either Friday or Saturday, which means it’ll be an order-in kind of day, as it always is since he’s fully occupying the kitchen.

I still need to wrap everything.  The only things I’ve wrapped were the gifts I took to work.  I should probably also wrap Devon’s before he’s home tomorrow.

Everything will get done in it’s own time.  I’m just so excited to have some time off to relax and recharge so that by the time we go back, I might actually have some sustainable energy again.



We’ll see how that works out.

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