Hair Review

Briogeo Rosarco Milk Leave-in Conditioning Spray

Today I decided to talk about another product that I have loved from my FabFitFun subscription box; the Briogeo Leave-in conditioner.




I actually had to look back and see what box I got this in because I’ve had it a really long time and it turns out this was in my spring box from last year! 

While I got this a year ago I didn’t really start using it until this past fall.  For awhile, I had been keeping my hair around shoulder-length, so it was pretty short and didn’t really need any extra hydration (or at least any more outside of my normal conditioner).

But, since I started growing out my hair for my wedding (which I can officially, as of today, say is next month, EEK!) and trying to curl it more and ultimately using more hair product; it just needed a little bit more love than my normal conditioner was able to provide.

This is the perfect little extra bit of conditioning that my hair needs.  It is not heavy (which is always my fear with leave-in conditioners) so it won’t weigh your hair down, but you know it’s there.  I can tell the difference of when I’ve used this and when I haven’t when I’m styling my hair.

I do also like that this is more on the natural end as far as products go: there’s no parabens, sulfates, or silicones in the product.  It does, however, contain rosehip, argan, and coconut oils, which my hair is loving.  Plus, it just smells good and we know I love when hair products smell good.

After I wash my hair, I pretty much always leave it up in a towel for about 15-20 minutes. Once I pull it out of the towel and brush it, I spray this on my hair about mid-shaft to ends before I put any other styling product in my hair.  So, this is the first thing I use because I want to make sure that it sinks in as far as it can to give a bit more of a barrier to all the stuff and heat I’ll eventually use on it.

I do maybe 4-5 sprays over the hair and then just massage it into hair.  I like that it’s a pump spray because it comes out as a light mist that really sprays evenly over the hair, so all strands are covered evenly.


Once I’ve sprayed and worked this in, then I go on with my other products and tools and I feel like it’s made my hair look a lot shinier and healthier since I started using this.  Even when I have a bunch of product and hairspray and curls, my hair looks nourished when, in reality, it should probably look pretty frazzled and broken.

Like I said, I started using the Briogeo milk around the fall and have been using it pretty consistently since and still probably have about a good half of the bottle left.  It’s a decent sized bottle, also, I think, especially considering that a little/a few sprays goes a long way; this is definitely not a product you need a ton of.

I originally had a hard time finding this line in stores, which may have been part of my hesitation in trying it.  I didn’t want to love something that was going to be hard to replenish.  But, now I find it everywhere.  Sephora is carrying the Briogeo line and I’m sure you can probably find it on Amazon.  You could also buy directly from the Briogeo site where it looks like they also have an auto-ship subscription for it if you decide you absolutely can’t live without it.

If you need a new leave-in, I’d highly suggest giving this one a try; it’s pretty reasonably priced and my hair is loving it!


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