
Wedding Registry

So, let’s talk about the wedding registry!




Devon and I did our registries over the summer; super early but we knew that if we waited to do it until now or recently, it wasn’t likely to happen.  With the school year in full we just don’t have full days to set out and go “shopping”.

We’ve edited a bit since when things are either no longer available or things that we just need as time goes on.

But I feel like we’re missing stuff.

As backstory, if you don’t know; Devon and I have lived together for about three years, so there’s some stuff we don’t really need.  However, we are planning on purchasing a home in the next year or two,  so some of our family just suggested on using our wedding registry to “upgrade” stuff that we would need for a new home.


Great idea! So, we did a lot of that.

We also did a lot of things that we don’t “need” but we know that people are going to get for us anyway.  Like we can almost guarantee one of Devon’s Aunt’s is getting new dishes for our wedding.  While we don’t necessarily need them, we put ones on there that we would prefer if we’re going to get them anyway.  At least this way, when Janice gives us a big box of dishes, we’ll at least like the design and probably use them….eventually.

At the same time, I feel like we’re missing stuff.  Obviously neither of us has ever been married before, so we just kind of went nuts with our registries (which is why one is so much bigger than it needs to be; I need to pare that down before it starts getting used).

We are registered at Macy’s because that’s essentially the only store most of Devon’s family shops at and Bed, Bath and Beyond because that’s where most other people shop. Both of them overlap a lot for those that will shop at one store or shop around to see which store has a better price/whatnot.

So, for those that have done this:

*What do you wish you had registered for that you didn’t?

*What do you regret registering for?

*Are there any wedding registry must-haves?


Help a lady out!  Invitations are probably going to go out in a few weeks or so, so I’d love to have this all firmed up before that!

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