Casual Friday

Casual Friday #2

Oh Friday, how I love you.

Has it been one of those weeks for anyone else, or just me? Like everything that could irritate me, make me want to sleep for a week, or give me a headache seemed to happen.  I’m so ready to go home, get my PJ’s on and get my weekend started.


Today is a faculty retreat day at school.  I’m not 100% sure what that means, but I know that the students are off and we get to dress down, which you know makes me extremely happy.

So my casual Friday isn’t actually hypothetical, which is so nice, if only it could be that way every Friday….#dreamlife.

So, since we’re sitting most of the day, not around any of the kids, and since it’s supposed to be like 75 later, I’m going as comfy and casual as I feel I can get at work.  I am not one of those people who feels comfortable wearing sweats and a tee to work, even when no one will bat an eyelash.

I am, however, one of those people that will rock a Game of Thrones tee, my favorite jeans, and my ultra-comfy Converses, which is exactly what I’m doing today.

You can click on the photo if you want to see sources for similar items.

After about three hours of sleep last night, you should probably be happy that I covered my face.

And after three hours of sleep, I’m incredibly happy to wear jeans and a casual tee.

Here is hoping your Friday is short and easy! 



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