About Me

10 Random Things About Me

I always enjoy posts where you get to learn random things about the people you’re reading about. Maybe it’s my nosey nature, not really sure, but either way they’re fun to me. Plus, I have some new faces hanging around here lately, so I thought it would be fun for all of you to learn …

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Beauty Experimenting

I haven’t done any experimenting in awhile in regards to my beauty routine. I’d been pretty happy with what I was using so I just kept with it, but lately, I feel like I need a bit of a change. I’m not entirely sure what I feel like I need the change in, so I …

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Game of Thrones

Game of Thrones Season 8, Episode 1

I’m sure the fact that I watched this Sunday night surprises no one. The fact that I hadn’t mentioned it yet is likely what is surprising because it was AMAZING! Literally, awesome. Don’t know if it was worth the two-year wait…but still awesome. I’m not going to be the one that summarizes the whole episode …

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Saturday Shorts


*I’m having one of those weekends where I can’t seem to finish what I start. I have about 20 tabs/pages/applications open on my laptop right now because of this issue. I get like this sometimes when a lot of change is happening or about to happen in my life. And we’re getting to a pretty …

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Let’s Talk About Life

Not this Life… Though, it would be more fun. But life in general. See, the thing with having a blog is, you have an outlet to say whatever you want to say on it.  But it’s hard having this outlet when you have a ton of things you want to say but not sure where …

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Goodie Girl Cookies Chocolate Creme
Saturday Shorts


*Weekends move so quickly. I feel like it was just Friday. *I’m playing around with some meal prep for lunch this week. It’s pretty simple, just protein and roasted veggies. but if it turns out as good as it’s currently smelling. maybe I’ll do an Instagram live of it next weekend. *Now that spring seems …

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Beauty Review Skin

Microglo Microdermabrasion System

In talking about skincare recently and trying to find a new moisturizer that works for oily skin, I’ve also started working improving my skin’s tone and texture by using this at-home Microdermabrasion tool from Microglo. As I’ve mentioned, I have oily, acne-prone skin.  While I know I will enjoy the benefits of it later on …

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